About that shirt: the science of style

It seems strange to be commenting on men's clothing, especially as the assessment of womenswear is a constant in popular culture, but events have cast a light on the double standards that apply to how men and women present themselves in public. 
Firstly there was the astonishing admission that Today Show presenter Karl Stefanovic had worn the same suit for a year on air without anyone noticing, while his female colleagues were subject to ferocious forensic scrutiny. I didn't notice it myself but that may be because I rarely watch the show, precisely because his schoolyard sexism, particularly representative of the corporate culture at Channel Nine, was likely to make me cringe over my cornflakes. Although the results of Karl's experiment are truly remarkable and extremely helpful, and kudos for commitment, it has to be said that the creepy sexist content of the Today Show would have been dramatically reduced if he had not attended work at all in that period.
Although it didn't break the internet like Kim Kardshian's bum, the choice of casual wear made by Dr Matt Taylor on the occasion of the comet landing has drawn extreme criticism throughout the twitterverse. The comments were so harsh that the good doctor broke down in apology, creating its own backlash against his critics, who one would assume were feminazis and fashionistas anyway and beneath contempt of commonfolk.
The support of the doctor's sartorial choices has been as vocal as the criticism. It has been claimed that Taylor was unfairly targetted and that the attention given to his wardrobe distracted from the momentous event, as if the shirt itself had not already accomplished this. 
What Dr Taylor experienced is what women experience everyday. Mind you he probably got a lifetime's criticism in one day, so I can imagine how unsettling it would have been. But did he deserve to be publicly crucified for his choices? Maybe not to the extent he was but internet reaction is rarely justified in its intensity. And this mistake will follow him for life and likely overshadow any achievements he makes on this world or any other. I think the takeaway thought here is you should never wear an article of clothing to work that could also be used as a masturbatory aid.
But those who support the scientist's dress sense need to ask themselves the following questions. 
Would that shirt be seen as appropriate in any mixed workplace on even the most casual of Fridays? Would this have been seen as professional appearance even among the most absent-minded of professors and style autistic big bang theorists? And what went through the man's mind that day when he approached his wardrobe ("Gee, today is a landmark day in the history of humanity and science and the world's media will be focussed on myself and my team whatever the outcome. How should I dress for the occasion? I know let's wear that soft core porn print because nothing screams credibility than dressing like frat boy on the way to a kegger.") 
But most of all, if one of his female colleagues presented herself as in the manner depicted on that shirt, would she be seen as a scientist or a slut? And on the subject of those colleagues, is it possible that there were more women on that shirt than were actually involved with the comet landing itself?